Duties of an Investment Adviser of a Fund – Implications of the Decision of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal in the Cardinalasia Consulting Limited Case
Hong Kong Companies Ordinance Amended to Allow Holding of General Meetings by Using Virtual Meeting Technology
Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission Consults on Proposals to Regulate Virtual Asset Trading Platforms
Hong Kong Monetary Authority Takes Disciplinary Action Against Westpac Banking Corporation, Hong Kong Branch for Contraventions of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance
Hong Kong Monetary Authority Issues the Consultation Conclusion to the Discussion Paper on Crypto-Assets and Stablecoins
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited Issues the Review of Issuers’ Annual Reports in 2022
Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission Reprimands and Fines Jinrui Futures (Hong Kong) Limited HK$4.8 Million and Sanctions its Responsible Officers for Regulatory Breaches