Moving Lights in the City - Lonely ?

We are a new generation corporate finance law firm focusing on deal structuring, corporate compliance, and financial inclusion. Located in the international financial hub of Hong Kong, we are founded upon statistical deal studies and equipped with a database of researched Hong Kong deals of the recent decades, and we seek to empower corporate finance transactions with a meaningful difference. Our firm is driven by research technologies and modern methodologies. We apply result-oriented practice theories to the delivery of legal services. Our vision is to promote meaningful legal contributions to the financial services industry and our principal values are Technology, Respect, Excellence, and Equity (TREE):

Technology – use technology and information strategies skillfully and innovatively to empower our practice”

Respect – encourage all stakeholders to develop respect for the rights and dignity of all people in the business community”

Excellence – commit to excellence in all aspects of our practice and to go the extra mile or two in every opportunity”

Equity – focus on collaboration in a fair, just, environmentally friendly and sustainable manner”

We set our firm’s objectives as including the promotion of corporate governance, investor education, and financial inclusion. We have been analyzing corporate finance transactions and their mechanisms in terms of achieving specific commercial objectives over the past decades, based on which we devised the framework of our firm’s methodologies for deal execution. Our main areas of legal services include:

Corporate Services

  • Fund Establishment
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Corporate Administrative Services
  • Licensing
  • ESG and Corporate Governance
  • Board and Senior Management Training
  • Internal Audit and Risk Management Related Health Check
  • Legal Services to Entities Upon Investigation by Regulators

Listing and Financing

  • IPO, Secondary Listing, Spin-off, Rights Issue, Open Offer, and Equity Financing
  • Convertibles and Other Issuance
  • Venture Capital, Private Equity and Pre-IPO Financing
  • Redomicile, Board Transfer
  • Project Financing
  • Takeover Financing
  • Energy and Infrastructure Financing
  • REIT and Structured Financing
  • Debt Markets Financing, MTNs, and Debt Listing

Mergers and Acquisitions

  • Cross Border Investment and Acquisition
  • Transaction Design, Due Diligence, and Management
  • Takeover Planning
  • Takeover Regulatory Compliance
  • Privatization
  • Whitewash Transaction
  • Post Acquisition Integration


  • Capital Reorganization and Group Restructuring
  • Equity Incentive Scheme and Staff Trust
  • Asset Protection and Liquidation
  • Non-performing Asset Restructuring
  • Investigation, Litigation and Enforcement relating to Winding-up
  • Debt and Equity Restructuring
  • Resumption Cases

We differentiate our practice by, among others, the concept of demystification of legal processes. In the past, legal processes were often mystified to hide trade secrets or create an aurora of professionalism that facilitates the settlement of professional charges.

As society progresses, the values of transparency, integrity and fair dealing increasingly gather recognition.

The following are a few ways we seek to demystify legal processes by an open practice culture:

Telescopic Search for Microscopic Spin

See the macro multiverse in a grain of sand, and the sand in its micro multiverse.

It is dangerous to think that one already knows the process thoroughly when embarking upon it. Nowadays, relevant methodologies are more likely to be in the public domain than, say, five to ten years ago. Thus, we should always be alert to looking for better ways to provide and execute our legal services. For instance, we may go for a better checklist, find a better precedent, or study a more updated announcement.  Look as wide and as deep as one reasonably can. For instance, applying this concept, our Financial Services Regulatory Updates (See our Services | Publications) survey and identify regulatory insights developed by financial markets worldwide, and show them to the local industry to facilitate comparative analysis and review for adaptive changes.

The Power of Analyzed Statistics

Changes in the world are exponentially fueled by a data revolution. Life’s journey can be hyper-visioned with the aid of tactful data analytics. While statistics (with smart use) are powerful, we are not advocating the use of statistics for securities investment or the like. By our proprietary tools such as Statistics Unwoven Deal Points Analysis (SUDPA) and our SUDPA App (See our Services | Publications), we seek to showcase the “clever” use of statistics to generate deal point findings for constructive transaction design and transaction terms fine-tuning. Before the advent of AI SUDPA, we are driving non-AI SUDPA by way of unleashing the imaginative and creative power of the human brain. Still, a lot can be achieved, with lateral or multi-way non-AI thinking. The more we exhibit the potential of non-AI thinking, the more we marvel at the inequality of data usage between states, institutions and individuals, and the more we awe at the tininess of the contribution, if any, we can make to human linguistic wisdom and well-being.

Core Standards for Progress

Be versatile, flexible and keep your awareness. Focus on priorities – life is too short for useless idling. No matter the realms, whether risk management, internal control or practice enhancement, one would benefit by asking oneself what is the most important task at the current moment. There could be millions of things one could do at any moment. Identifying the right thing to tackle right now is the key issue. Think about the most important things you need to do at the moment, and choose the thing you most critically need to do. There are millions of ways to do something wrong, but only a few to do it right. We remind ourselves to stay wide awake: know what exactly we are doing every moment and imagine in our mind how we are going to do it right, and complete the action in a clean, swift manner every time (like the inch-punch in Jeet Kune Do).

During execution, we have three guiding principles WRAPS:

Word by Word checking of regulatory requirements (by filling up in minute detail relevant checklists or worksheet, ensuring compliance with each word of requirements, rules and guidance letters, annotating margins, comparing relevant precedents)

Regular Adherence to deadlines and timelines – constantly monitoring and ensuring that work is prepared well in advance (especially applying tools like project timelines, protocols and tabular reminders)

Publication Standard – attention to consistency, substance, logic flow, grammar, and other details when drafting/editing/proofreading, whether for publication or not (aided by grammar and spell checks, and methods in our proprietary system)

The AA Methodology (Focus on Legal Purpose) 

Ask: Focus on the following recurring questions behind each requirement concerned – What is the importance behind it? What values are to be enhanced by compliance with the requirement?

Aim: When reviewing a document in our work, we pursue the aim of each relevant requirement or practice concerning its identified importance.

We seek to apply this methodology to foster a culture of value creation through legal solutions and compliance. We devise various checklists, procedural guides and tools to help us achieve this.

Team Spirit

Every organization should have protocols to promote team spirit. To cultivate a collegial workplace atmosphere, (1) we encourage our people to support a colleague if one feels he/she may be in a low spirit. If one finds himself or herself in a low spirit, one should challenge that low spirit by responding from an enlightened spirit instead. We should strive hard to guide ourselves to overcome our low spirit and focus overwhelmingly on our enlightened spirit; (2) each colleague should open himself or herself to others’ support by listening, paying fair attention, and responding with positive energy; and (3) our workplace should be filled with mutual support underpinned by individuals’ efforts to promote sharing of accolades and mistakes (treated as our collective honors and treasures respectively) and refrain from judging, finger-pointing or mutual-blaming. Please also refer to our “TREE” values elucidated above.

Bit by bit, and every bit added together, we hope to establish the M+ Standard. “M” stands for “market” and “mile”. Imagine one day a market standard is recognized by all the people in the corporate finance industry around the world. And everyone is ready and willing to go the extra mile or two to achieve this.

How, for instance, can JML help?

– Your Business Deserves to be Legally Optimized

– Unlock your Company’s Potential with Innovative Solutions

  1. Rights Issues
  • No need for hard underwriting; can be “best efforts” basis – simplified procedures for successful fundraising
  • Our innovative methodologies, guides and successful fundraising strategies enhance execution efficiency
  1. Privatization & Share Repurchases
  • Deal points analysis assisting privatization and share repurchase projects with optimization of deal structure
  • We leverage market intelligence and extensive deal statistics, enhancing clarity for informed decision-making
  1. Innovative Incentives Schemes
  • Engage your team by tailoring phantom and other incentive schemes for different executives and employees
  • Our expertise in deal points analysis, coupled with a strong track record of effective implementation, helps optimize your schemes within regulatory framework
  1. Business Evolution
  • Engage your customers, suppliers and other stakeholders through a sustainable culture underpinned by enforceable agreements and value protection tools to enhance business versatility in rapidly changing business environment
  • We apply an array of legal methodologies to help ensure your business plans are legally effective and align with your corporate vision
  1. Compliance “Health-check” Services; Replies to Regulators’ Enquiries
  • Customized “health-check” to identify regulatory risks and vetting mandatory policies for listed companies, such as anti-corruption and AML compliance policies
  • We offer cost-effective solutions that simplify and fortify compliance processes, protect your business integrity
  • We have proven track record of handling enforcement cases and can assist you in responding to regulators’ enquiries leveraging legitimate protection afforded by law

Contact us today to discuss how we can support your needs